Energi Teknikk International AS, Rosendal, Norway

Energi Teknikk Internatoional AS, Rosendal, Norway
Postboks 10
, N-5486 Rosendal
Verantwortliche Person
Milan Baračkov, General Manager

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
Energi Teknikk AS is a total supplier of equipment and services for the construction of small hydropower plants, and currently employs a staff of 15. The company manufactures and sells turbines, control systems and panels, and we have our own service department for operation and maintenance.

The company offers a 24-hour on-call service, including remote diagnoses of control systems.

Energi Teknikk is qualified by the industry’s SELLIHCA Qualification System and has a quality management system in line with ISO 9001
