Medicover Synevo group Luxembourg

Osnovni podaci
Medicover Synevo group Luxembourg
24, Avenue Emile Reuter, L-2420 Luxembourg
Odgovorno lice
Fredrik Regmark

Potpuna informacija je dostupna samo komercijalnim korisnicima-pretplatnicima.
Da bi mogli pogledati kompletne informacije, ulogujte se:
Zaboravili ste šifru? Kliknite OVDJE
Za besplatno probno korišćenje, kliknite OVDJE
Opis djelatnosti
Synevo/IMD Laboratories are part of the Medicover family, providing a complete range of diagnostic laboratory services to both members and other providers. (Synevo offers services in Poland, Romania, Ukraine and Belarus; and under the brand name of IMD in Germany.) The advantage of managing this critical segment of our healthcare services is passed to our members in diagnostic services quality and as a measurable cost saving.
