Atterbury Europe Austria

Osnovni podaci
Atterbury Europe Austria
Porschestrasse 7, 3100 St. Pölten
Odgovorno lice
Gideon Oosthuizen, Executive Director

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Opis djelatnosti
Atterbury Europe is a company incorporated in the Netherlands that focuses on shopping centre investments and retail development opportunities in Europe, particularly the fast-developing Central and Eastern region. Atterbury Europe represents a new, high-level partnership between Atterbury and a group of European investors. It will partner with JSE-listed real estate capital growth fund Attacq Limited to tap into this market. It has already made its first landmark investment in a €200-million retail portfolio in Cyprus and is investigating further opportunities in Serbia.

Atterbury Europe’s investment in Cyprus, with Attacq, includes two key retail assets, both with expansion potential, to facilitate the growth strategies of international retail brands in Cyprus.

The European team will, through a services company (“Atterbury Europe Services”), manage assets and developments on the continent in line with Atterbury’s 21 years of multinational experience.
